Winter Carnival

S a t u r d a y F e b r u a r y 1 5, 2 0 20

The Tobermory Winter Carnival would absolutely not be possible without the generosity and support of our Local Businesses and community members who lend their names and financial support each year and we want to ensure that we provide ample opportunity for all of our local businesses and groups to participate. You don’t even have to reside here to help. We welcome your help and will publicize your business on the Sponsors page of our web site.
By participating as a sponsor your organization will benefit from extended exposure through media campaigns and promotional efforts of the Winter Carnival as well as have an on-site presence at many of the events and activities planned this year. We have many levels of sponsorship allowing you to select the level of participation that best meets your needs.
Sponsorship levels are as follows
Supporter – up to $50
Bronze Sponsor – $50+
Silver Sponsor – $100+
Gold Sponsor - $200+